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September 1, 2000 - Friday

The weather was really up and down today. It was cloudy and finally rainy. When I came home tonight it was pouring with rain.

Work today was fine. I only had 3 classes, but they seemed to go well. The kids lesson went well. I invented a game that's a cross between curling and tiddlywinks. It was a hoot. I also had a Teacher's lesson, with both of the Japanese Teachers in the school. It was cool. After that I did a lot of prep work for tomorrow and my paperwork for today.

After work, I was invited out for yakiniku, so I went. It was great. I haven't had yakiniku in a long time. It was nice to go out again. Justin suggested karaoke, but I wanted to get home.

At home I found a lovely letter waiting for me and I watched ER. That's about it. Nothing too exciting. I did go out for lunch today...I hadn't gone out in a couple of days, so it was nice.

So endeth this entry!

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