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September 2, 2000 - Saturday

There's something about watching a wonderful movie that can make a bad day okay, and a good day great. I re-watched Say Anything for the first time in more than ten years. What an amazing movie. There's such an amazing honesty to it. I was crying when I watched it..I could feel the characters...identify with them. John Cusack was wonderful as Lloyd Dobler, a nice guy with a yen to be a kickboxer and a thing for the smartest girl in his class. Ione Skye was beautiful and real as the girl who falls for the class clown. It was nice to see a movie with a young couple who are awkward. Many films show people who are too assured, obviously acting. This was almost like a spy was true life. See it!

I was a busy beaver today. I had my usual 7 classes and they went well. Some even went better than normal! I did a lot of prep for Wednesday after school finished today. I think I made a cunning plan, as my friend Michelle would say, to rearrange my classroom. My desk is in a corner of my room and it makes me sit with my back to the door. When anyone comes to talk to me usually jump 6 feet!

I came home, watched the end of Hot Shots Part Deux and 90210. I got my phone call and then I popped in Say Anything. If you haven't seen it...see it!

That's about it for today. Night...

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