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September 7, 2000 - Thursday

I ate breakfast in my own apartment today! Can you believe it? I couldn't either. It was only bread, but it was nice!

Work was fine again. My first class was especially good, it was a two hour group class, with one person. Today it went really well. Sadly though, one of my classes didn't show up and only one of the two people called to say she couldn't make it.

I did a bit of prep work for tomorrow's classes and I prepared some homework for one of my kids classes too.

Everyone left before me, so I locked up and then walked in the direction of home. I decided to take a walk up to the temple. It was nice, even though I puffed my way up the hill. It's very peaceful up there, and the view was very nice.

I came home and as my show wasn't on I decided to watch the movie I taped earlier in the week. Seems to be quite good at least so far.

I hope to get to bed early for a change tonight. I've been staying up late for too long. Anyway, that's it for tonight. Catch you tomorrow?

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