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September 6, 2000 - Wednesday

I had a new student today. I'm going to have to do some adjusting for him. It was interesting to say the least.

I had some other lessons, and they went quite well today. I'm getting a handle on a lot of classes recently, finally.

I was a bit tired at work today. I didn't get back home last night until 12 and then I stayed up later than I should have.

Today was okay, but I was worried about the new class. The kids class went quite well I think.

Tonight I got a call from Gabrielle and we had a good chat. It was really nice to talk to her again and hear all the gossip from Tsuruoka. Well, there isn't any gossip really, but it was nice to talk.

That's about it. I don't really have a lot to say today. Nighty night.

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