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September 10, 2000 - Sunday

I had a busyish day today. I got up about 10:30 and did laundry. I love doing laundry....NOT! I also cleaned my apartment as I thought that Pamella might come by. It actually looks quite good. I'm impressed even if I say so myself.

Then, Pamella called to say that she'd be a bit late, so I surfed the web for a bit. After that she called again and I left to meet her. We went to a few of the glass shops and out for lunch. That was nice. It was a restaurant that I'd never been to before. We had carbonara, my old favourite. Yum.

After our meal we went back to a glass shop and Pamella bought herself something nice. Then we went to the train station and hopped on a train to the mall.

At the mall we walked around, bought some magazines and had some coffee and tea. Then we went to see U-571. Despite being Hollywood-ized and changed from the story of British submariners to American, it was quite exciting. It wasn't Das Boot, but okay. One problem with the movie was that a lot of it was in German, but the subtitles were in Japanese. I can't read Japanese very well yet. Sigh.

After the film we walked back to the station and Pamella caught the train back to Sapporo and I went back to my apartment. I didn't really do very much except eat one of the bagels I bought today. It was great.

I think I'll go to bed reasonably soon as I'm quite tired. Night!

Oh, I came up with a list of British actors that would be able to replace the American ones in U-571. Someone said to me that there weren't enough British actors to pull in an audience. Really?

Harvey Keitel ........with Sean Connery . Connery has done the submarine bit before. It would be a great character role for him.
Matthew McConaghey ......with Ralph Fiennes . Fiennes played a man in a uniform before, of course he was playing for the other side then, but no matter.
Bill Paxton .......with Liam Neeson . Liam could play the captain of a sub with an arm tied behind his back. Of course, that would make it difficult to use the periscope...
Jon Bon Jovi .....with Ewan MacGregor . It's the kind of little role that he might like.

Other actors that I'd find space for in this film..... Hugh Grant as the elegant German speaking spy who comes along for the ride..... Robert Carlyle instead of David Keith , and Kenneth Branagh , Colin Firth, Jude Law and Alan Rickman (wouldn't he make a great mechanic?) as miscellaneous crew members. There would also be a spot somewhere for Michael Caine because what's the point of making a film with British actors if you can't put Michael Caine in it?

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