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September 11, 2000 - Monday

Today would have been my Mum's birthday. I think that she would be very surprised by my life in Japan, although she left her own country to go to Canada to teach when she was around my age.

I was reasonably busy today. I stayed up late again last night and when my stereo started blaring this morning I didn't want to get up. But, I did. I ate a bagel, and left for my lesson. It was good and I actually remembered all the days of the week...Yay!

After the lesson I went to the video store to return and get new videos. Then, I thought I'd check out the hair salon next to the video store. Justin told me about it and said that he goes there. I was lucky enough to get in to get my hair cut. It was quite funny. I was having my hair washed, lying back with a towel over my face and the guy asked me if I was Russian. I was able to tell him that I was Canadian and that I was Justin's co-worker. That broke a lot of ice, and things went well. My hair is quite short now...hurray. I really like it, but the difficult part might be tomorrow when I try to style it! It was just getting too long, heavy and shapeless.

After I got my hair cut, I went for groceries then came back to my apartment and watched a bit of TV. I decided to go out again so I went for a walk. I ended up near the canal in a music box shop I'd gone to before. I bought a music box for my niece. It's really cool I think. I know she's a little young right now, but it will be the kind of thing that she will like more as she ages.

I also bought myself an overnight bag for my trip next week. I didn't want to carry my regular backpack.

That's about it. I watched one of the videos I was okay, and half of another one, but I had to stop it to watch ER.

Okay, that's it for today. Don't tell my niece what I got's going to be one of her Christmas presents. Shhh!

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