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September 13, 2000 - Wednesday

I'm back! Okay, I haven't gone anywhere yet, but this was a test! Did you pass?

I was not really busy today, but not under-worked either. I taught 4 lessons, they went reasonably well. The newest class went okay. I was a lot more prepared for him this week and it was fine. One student that doesn't come very often came too and his lesson was good.

After my lessons I did some prep for Saturday. I hope to do absolutely nothing on Friday, unless it is something fun.

When school finished I walked home with Justin and we had a bit of a chat. At home I made Tuna Mayonnaise toast and watched 90210. It was quite funny...Steve was dressed up like a Viking. Other things happened though, like Matt getting high on acid at a rave...oops.

In southern Japan there has been a lot of trouble with the rain. There's a typhoon, and it is causing heavy rain and flooding in some places. I hope it doesn't move north and ruin my vacation next week.

Anyway, that's me for today. Not much to write about I'm afraid. Night!

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