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September 15, 2000 - Friday

It was a holiday today so I had planned to sleep in. I tried, I went to bed really late, so I'd sleep late, but the phone rang at 10:00 or so and woke me up. I never did get back to sleep. It was a nice call, so I wasn't angry at all. I tried to take a nap later, but I couldn't sleep. Oh well.

I went out around 2 and had lunch at a restaurant nearby. I had fried rice. It was pretty good. Then I went to the electronic shop and looked for a mouse for my computer. I didn't see one I thought might work, and I didn't have the nerve to ask someone for Japanese is pretty pathetic. I knew that a new electronic shop had just opened in the mall so I thought I'd go and check it out.

I got to the mall and saw basically the same mouses (is the plural of computer mouse mouses or mice?) I picked one that I thought might work, so I got that.

Then I thought I might as well look at new shoes. I went over to the sports shop. I did end up buying a pair. I think they'll be okay, when they're properly broken in.

At the mall today I also bought a magazine and some groceries.I had a great iced cappuccino too. It was a nice time.

When I came home, I put on the shoes...yes I broke the rules of Japan and wore my shoes in the apartment. They are brand new though. The mouse doesn't fit...I'm going to see if I can get an adaptor or something.

I also ate supper and watched a movie....Fairy Tale. It was wonderful. Very sweet. Now, I'm watching Ally's an old one that I've seen before, but fun none the less. I'll be off to Snoozeland soon.

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