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September 29, 2000 - Friday

Today the weather cleared up a bit, and it didn't rain. Yay.

I had a busy day. It wasn't supposed to be but it was. I had class observation in my kids lesson today. That meant that two out of the three mothers came to watch. Yikes. It went okay I think.

I also found out that when I go away next month I'll be going for longer than I had originally thought. Oh my. Not too much longer, just a couple of days, but it will be a pain for my students, and me.

I did an interview and a model lesson tonight, I think they went well. The guy was only 16, but he was very tall. He seemed great, like he really wanted to learn English.

I had to stay quite late to do a lot of paperwork, and to plan one lesson for tomorrow. I think it'll be a good one. I hope so anyway.

Well, that's it for me for today. Nothing too major. A pretty good day.

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