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September 30, 2000 - Saturday

Today was okay. I was busy at work, really busy. 7 classes. Yikes! But, some nice things happened. I had another observation lesson today and it went really well. It was with a student that is quite low, but has recently made some big improvements. Her mother came into class, and watched us. Then, they decided she should keep studying with me.

My other classes went quite well too. One student told me that she's getting married next year. What great news!

After work I went to meet Justin and another teacher at his favourite hangout. I only had one drink and then we left. It was nice to go out after work though.

I came home and watched 90210 again, and then popped in a video. It was a dopey one, Airheads, but, parts of it were really funny! It starred Brendan Fraser and Steve Buscemi. I rather enjoyed it. The last couple of times that I went to the video store it was on the shelf saying "Pick me, pick me". I knew it wasn't Shakespeare, but it was kind of fun.

I'm off to bed soon. I'm really tired and I have a lot to do tomorrow. Night!

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