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April 3, 2001 - Tuesday

Today was a busy day. I taught 6 classes and did an interview. I didn't even leave my office until 11:00pm although I'd be hard pressed to explain just what it was that I did.

When I got home it was really late...around 11:30. Sigh.

It was a bit sad at the office today. Justin was saying goodbye to a lot of people. I've been there, I think I have a bit of an idea how he feels.

So, another good piece of news, it looks like I'm going to Canada for my holiday. Hurray! I have to go and pay for everything but as long as I do that I'll be able to go.

Anyway, that's about it for today. I hope that tomorrow isn't as busy, and that I get a lot of work done too!

Bye for now....

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