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April 2, 2001 - Monday

I had quite a day.

I went to bed very late again, which was bad of me. So, getting up this morning wasn't easy.

I had my lesson which was hard today! I haven't studied in a while. Silly me.

After my lesson I went to the City Hall to renew my Alien Registration Card. I was hoping to visit the nice ice cream parlour near the City Hall, but it's closed until later this month. Oh well! I was in the City Hall for only a few minutes..everything went well and I was out quickly. I decided to go to Sapporo to see a travel agent. I stopped into the school to leave my book as I didn't want to carry it all over Sapporo.

When I got to Sapporo I did go to the travel agent. I couldn't book anything as their computer was down, but I did make some arrangements.

Then I hit the Sapporo Factory. I checked out the movies and saw that The Cell was playing at 5:00. I decided to go and see it. But, I was hungry so I went to a restaurant and had pasta, which was darn good. However, when I tried to go back to the theater I couldn't find it! I found it, but I was late, so I didn't go.

I wandered around a bit more, visited the Toys R Us store and discovered that they sell North American junk food...bought some! Then I remember that I needed another light bulb for my light, so I picked up a couple of bulbs. By then it was time to see the movie. It was amazing. The visuals were incredible. The story was good, although not great, but I saw things that I've never seen before.

After the film I walked back to the subway station and took a couple of subways back to the train station. I caught a train back to Otaru without any problems.

At home I carefully climbed up the stepladder and installed a new light bulb, then put the cover back in place. Hurray! I have light.

I'm going to go to bed fairly soon I think as I've a long day tomorrow. Nighty night!

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