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April 5, 2001 - Thursday

A not very busy day. It's kind of sad actually. My first class cancelled because the student was sick, so I had a lot of free time to plan and prepare. That was good.

I went out for lunch today. I ate out because I wanted a bit of a break. I usually eat in my office but I wanted a change of scene.

Also, it was the new teacher's first day. I think he did very well. He was meeting students and teaching a bit too I think.

Anyway, I managed to leave fairly early and came home. I watched the first episode of The Lost World, which is a bad "Made in Canada" show. I've seen it before on tapes from home, but it just started running on NHK. It's still better than Tarzan!

That's it for me I'm afraid. I'm a bit tired so I'd like to get to bed soon. Night night!

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