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April 6, 2001 - Friday

Yep, another slow day. I was a way. I had a telephone meeting, a staff meeting and 2 level checks, plus a spot of teaching and planning.

It was a sad day because it was Justin's last day. He was saying goodbye's to many people and I think he was quite sad about it all. I know that I was when it happened to me.

I came home reasonably early again tonight. I noticed that they've been putting the koi banners up in the covered mall. They look very cool actually.

Supper tonight was cup ramen. It was good though. I don't eat it very often actually, but it was a nice easy thing to cook.

Tomorrow I don't think I'll be as busy as usual, but I don't really know. I know I have an interview and I have to do a bit of planning for Tuesday.

Anyway, it's late and I'm tired...same old-same old! Night.

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