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April 7, 2001 - Saturday

Well, this was one of the quietest Saturdays I've had since I've come to Otaru. I only had two classes, and they both went well. I did a lot of planning for next week and I had another interview.

I was a bit angry with myself, I left late for work and I wasn't able to stop and buy my lunch. I did eat breakfast at my apartment which was a good thing, but I like to get my lunch too.

David came into the office today after going to Sapporo. He did a bit of preparing for Monday's classes. After I finished work I asked him if he'd like to go out for dinner. He said yes and in turn asked Michiyo. We all went to Columbia, the place on Hanozono. It was really nice. It took a long time for my food to come, but it was good. It was a nice way to start building rapport with the new team.

And then we came home. I'm tired so I don't know how late I'll stay up, but it doesn't matter because I have no plans for tomorrow.

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