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April 12, 2001 - Thursday

Why is it that it felt like a long day today, but really wasn't? I had a class cancel, so I had extra time today, but I feel really tired.

My classes went well generally. Hurray.

I did some paper work in my extra time, the type that I usually don't have time for.

I went out for lunch today. I had roast tonkatsu. It was really good. I went to the place in Nagasakiya. On the way back I actually eavesdropped on 2 people walking by. They were talking in Japanese. All they said was "What time is it?" and "It's around 5:15" but I understood it, and I wasn't looking at them or anything. That was kind of cool.

After work I walked home and watched The Lost World and ate my hot noodles. I had Mabo Curry so it was hot and spicy. Quite nice I think.

That's about it. I have to go to bed....that's all. Not an exciting day at all.

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