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April 13, 2001 - Friday

Happy Good Friday the 13th!

I had a pretty good day. My first class of the day had cancelled, so I wasn't very busy. We had a staff meeting and then I taught a couple of lessons and had a level check. The person that I talked to was really fun and she loved movies maybe even more than I do! She is a big Russell Crowe fan too. It was cool to find another person who likes him as much as I do...

The classes I taught today went well. One of my students is transferring to David's class. I'm a bit sad, but I think it will be really good for her. Her understanding is good, but she'll be able to do a lot of speaking in class, I hope.

After work I went out for a drink with David, Michiyo, and a couple of students. It was a lot of fun and we enjoyed it. I only planned to stay until 11:30, but I ended up staying until almost one. Silly me. I'm so busy tomorrow.

As I'm typing this I'm watching some hard rock videos. I have to say, I don't really like it. Some of it just worries me. The music and words are so negative. If that's how the younger generation feels, it's no wonder that there are so many problems and bad feelings.

Oh well....Happy Easter...and happy Friday the 13th. Yikes.


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