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April 19, 2001 - Thursday

Another warm day. It was 20 degrees when I walked to work today. I can hardly believe it! It's changed so quickly.

I had a pretty good day actually. I had one lesson cancel, which was sad, and 2 interviews and 1 level check. I was a little busy, but not too bad. Most of the classes I had today went well, one wasn't too good though, sigh. Better luck next week! My last class was fun. We were talking about travelling and we did some roleplays where we were Flight Attendants. That was a hoot! Neither of us are the shape of most Flight Attendants so it was fun to play the part. She's going on a homestay soon so she was asking about what to do on the airplane. I gave her a few pointers...wear comfortable clothes, drink lots of water...that kind of thing.

After work David asked me if I'd like to get something to eat so we went to Columbia on our way home. We had a nice chat about stuff. During our meal a drunk guy came and sat near us. He was trying to get everyone's attention, including mine, which was a bit annoying, but he seemed pretty harmless.

After that we walked home and went our separate ways at the apartment building. And that's it. My's over now! Bye!

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