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April 18, 2001 - Wednesday

I just saw the commercial again...2 guys are climbing on a mountain and one of them is on a log. The log starts to slip down the mountain and the other guy grabs the log with one arm and yells "Fighto!" Then presumably the other guy scrambles to safety and they both drink their power drink. My question is, what do the guys do with their bottles? Do they drag them back down the mountain or do they do what I suspect they'll do and leave them at the top of the mountain? Hmm!

Today was another busy day for me. I taught 6 classes and had a level check as well. I sure hope that I get some preparation time tomorrow!

I had 2 new classes today and they went quite well I think. One class came to the decision that she needed to talk more, and the other is still a little nervous and hesitant. They haven't figured out that they need to relax and have fun. It was a lot of fun for me, that class. I think it'll go well in the future.

After school I finished my paperwork and left. I walked home, but I went via a convenience store that I don't usually go to. It was nicer than the usual one! It had a lot of space, and a lot of stuff that my usual one doesn't have. I bought supper...chahan that's fried rice to you....and breakfast. Yum.

And that's it basically. I watched Charmed tonight. It was okay. Hey, while I think of it...does anyone know the name of the song that is the theme of Charmed and/or the singer? It's an interesting song...sound very angst ridden and almost British. But I really don't know!

Gotta go....

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