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April 21, 2001 - Saturday

A pretty busy day, generally.

It was a bit warmer today than yesterday, but it still wasn't what I'd call was 12 degrees on the way to work and 6 on the way home.

I had a pretty good day lesson-wise. One of my students stayed home because he was sick and that was a shame, but almost everybody else showed up. Lessons were generally good too. Yay! I had 2 new students today things were a bit nerve-wracking, but not too bad.

I brought my Cosmo home tonight..yep, I forgot to tell you, I got my Cosmo this week. It was a nice treat...I read a lot of it during my lunch hours.

I stayed a little late tonight, about 10:30, so not as bad as yesterday, but I wanted to get a class prepared for Tuesday. It can take a bit of time, so thought I'd better be ready in case something crops up.

I came home and watched's the last one and it looks like Roswell will be on next...never seen it!

I don't know when I'll go to bed, but I have a work party tomorrow, so I'd better get to bed reasonably soon! Night.

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