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April 22, 2001 - Sunday

An interesting day. Read on and find out why!

I got up around 11, and I started to do laundry. I did a couple of loads but decided to leave a few things for tomorrow.

Around 2:15 I left my apartment to catch a train to the mall. It was going to be a while so I went into the convenience store and grabbed an onigiri. I ate it on the was the first real food I'd eaten today.

At the mall I went to the bowling alley and said hello to the people there...then I ran off and got a salmon bagel. It was really good.

I wolfed it down and then I ran to the elevator but it took forever to get up to the fourth floor. I finally did, and then we started to bowl. I did badly as usual, but better than I thought I would! It was fun.

After bowling we went for supper to a Chinese restaurant and ate very well! We had shrimp with chili sauce, fried rice, soup, spicy tofu, pork dumplings, and jellyfish noodles.

Our next adventure was to the karaoke box...It was fun...I sang a lot...too much? I did She Bangs, I Don't Want to Miss a Thing, Imagine and YMCA. It was a hoot. The whole evening was fun.

I walked home after and stopped at the convenience store. I bought a few things and then a weird thing happened. I was paying and a drunk guy pushed his way up beside me and then grabbed my arm. It was really freaky. I don't know if he was trying to keep his balance or make a pass or what.He let go right away, but I was weirded out.

When I got home I popped in a tape and watched the second part of the Borg Queen Voyager episode, and a few other shows. I'm enjoying it very much. I stopped it for a while and discovered that Survivor was on regular Japanese TV. It was a weird show. I don't think I really like it.

I forgot to mention something from yesterday. In one of my classes we were talking about technology and we had to do a survey of our class to see what gadgets we all owned. I had only 6, and the person with the most had 13. I think one reason I even had that many was because of my computer. Another reason was that my friend Pamella gave me my rice cooker with a timer. It was funny.

I'll talk to ya later!

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