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April 23, 2001 - Monday

A busy day...again!

I didn't go to bed until 4:00 am last night! I took out a bunch of garbage before I went to bed, including some of Justin's stuff. It had leaked all over my floor. I'm so happy about that.

I got up and went for my lesson. I wasn't feeling that well so I didn't eat before I went, but I didn't feel hungry. The funny thing was that I kept running into David! I left at the same time that he did and we went in different directions. Then, when I got to the top of the hill and was going to cross the street, I saw him again. It was quite funny. He was going to a dry cleaners.

The lesson was good, but I hadn't had any time last week to study so I felt a bit stupid!

After, I came home and ate my breakfast then set off to try to buy traveller's cheques. I went to my bank first to get out some money and as they had a foreign exchange department I thought I'd try there. I went up and found the section. The woman sitting near the desk told me to sit down and proceeded to work for another 5 minutes. Then she came over to me and asked in pretty decent but not gracious English what I wanted. I asked for traveller's cheques in Canadian Dollars and she wasn't terribly polite when she said they don't sell them.

I went down the street to the main post teacher had suggested that I try there. I wasn't exactly sure where I should wait, but I took a number and after another longer wait was able to buy my travellers cheques. The lady who helped me there didn't speak any English, but she was much more helpful! Anyway, due to the fact that the Canadian Dollar is abysmal it didn't cost as much as I thought it would. Thrilled by my success, I decided to go to the mall.

I made it to the mall safely and shopped for a while. I didn't go to a movie...there wasn't a lot playing that I wanted to see...and I ate at a new place...Gyao Brewery. Well, it wasn't new, it's just that I'd never had the nerve to go in there before. It was nice, I had Tempura with rice and soup. I really enjoyed it. The view was great too. I had a nice view of the dock and the sea.

I bought a few things at the grocery store and then came home. I watched Sabrina and then a bit of East of Eden with James Dean. Later, I put a few things in my suitcase for the trip.

I had a pretty good day. I'm a bit tired now, so I'm going to go to bed as soon as possible. Good night!

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