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April 25, 2001 - Wednesday

Happy Birthday Janet!

I was busy classes! But they all went quite well, so that was nice.

However, I do have a nasty stinking rotten cold and I'm not happy about it. I've been taking cold medicine for it and it does help a bit. It's non-drowsy, but it makes me want to sleep. Funny how that works! I'm drinking pink grapefruit juice and hopefully it will help me get better sooner.

I almost literally ran into David on the way to work. We both left our apartments at the same time and I was worried that I'd hit him with the door. I didn't, but I thought I might.

I stayed late at the office to finish planning for my first class tomorrow. I also wanted to make sure that I was okay for the first class after my holiday. Gee, I sound really conscientious don't I? Ha!

Well, folks, it's been fun, but I'm sleepy and tired and I want to go to bed and hopefully sleep it off.

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