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April 26, 2001 - Thursday

Believe it or not, I got up early today and washed my dishes!
I know, I nearly don't believe it myself!

I had a pretty good day at work class wise, just one class didn't come. Sigh. Oh well. I also did a model lesson for a young boy and he is going to study with us. I'm glad about that!

On the cold front, I'm not getting better. My nose is running all the time, despite taking medicine. My voice is beginning to go a bit too.

I was very disappointed today. I wanted to buy myself some hot coffee from a machine today. I put my money in the machine and realized that the machine was out of the kind of coffee I wanted. So, I thought I'd try another kind of coffee. Instead of coffee I got Pepsi. I was so disappointed. I ended up giving it to David!

Also in my big surge of energy this morning I finally wrapped up some books and magazines for Susan and Steve. Then, I even sorted out some cds to lend to David. I couldn't believe it! I got up around 9:00 and I did so much. I know I won't be doing it often, but it made a nice change!

On my lunch hour I even got myself together and mailed the box to Susan. I hope she gets it soon. The guy was in the post office to pick up the parcels when I was paying for the delivery and the lady who helped me asked him to wait, so maybe it'll arrive soon.

And that's about it. My day is a bit disjointed I know, but I'm on (over the counter) drugs and I'm not sure how well my brain is working! Night night!

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