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April 27, 2001 - Friday

Let's just call this the day of the running nose. My nose hasn't stopped all day, despite taking my medicine almost religiously. Heck, I even woke up at 4:00 am to take some medicine.

I did get up a bit early again today and I think I packed. I can't remember if I packed last night or this morning. I'm not taking very much, but it still has to get in the suitcase!

Work was okay and classes went surprisingly well, despite my cold. I think my students all felt sorry for me! I stayed a little late at work, about 10:15, and then came home.

I'm out of the kind of medicine I was taking before so I'm debating what to do now. That stuff just didn't work, but I don't want to mix medicines.

Anyway, I gotta go and throw a few more things in my suitcase! Bye for now....

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