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April 29, 2001 Sunday

What a day! I woke up at 6:00am what seems like a week ago. I got up reluctantly and showered and did all those morning things that a person does. Then I locked up my apartment and walked to the train station.

I caught my train to the airport and also caught the plane with no trouble. I had a light breakfast at the airport, it was a BLT with iced tea.

At Haneda Airport I was worried about it being too crowded and not having enough time to get over to Narita but actually it was fine. I did have a bad couple of seconds when I heard that the computer was down for the airport bus, because I thought the woman meant that the buses weren't running, but
it was okay! I caught a bus and got over to the big airport in record time. In fact, I was too early and I had to wait for an age.

I managed to check-in finally and had another bit of news...the flight from Vancouver to Edmonton was overbooked, they couldn't check me all the way through. Yikes!

I decided to go ahead anyway and go through the gate and I cleared customs in Japan easily. I looked at some of the Duty Free shops but I didn't see anything tempting, so I passed for now. Maybe on the way back to Japan.

I finally boarded and found that I had a good seat. I was seated right beside an emergency exit, and no-one was sitting in the seat next to me. Yahoo! I also had my own private little TV in front of me. Lucky or what? Actually I was really glad to be sitting alone as my cold was still pretty bad. I spent a lot of time coughing or blowing my nose. The movie was okay, Men of Honor with Robert DeNiro and Cuba Gooding Jr. There was also a weird little Canadian movie on, plus some stuff about fishing in Japan. I didn't sleep much! The Flight Attendant sat facing me during take-off and landing and he was a hoot. I got on very well with the Cabin Crew and they spoiled me. One lady, when she heard I hadn't been to Canada in 2 years brought me the Vancouver newspaper specially! I wasn't in her section, so it was a nice gesture on her part.

We arrived in Vancouver early and I cleared customs incredibly easily. The last time I came the guy was surly and rude, but this time the person was nice and polite! Yay! Asked me a few questions about who I was staying with, and that was that.

I picked up my bag and then checked it back in at the Air Canada counter. They took it and told me that I had to see the flight attendant at the gate for my seat. I was a tad nervous, but least I was IN Canada now!

In the Vancouver Airport I had a nice look around, bought myself a Frappacino at Starbucks...wandered and then went in to the gate.I was lucky, I had a seat. Yay!

The flight to Edmonton was happily uneventful and I got off at the airport and went to meet Van and Katie. I didn't see them at first, there were a lot of people there. We spotted each other about the same time, and then I went to get my bag. I waited a long time for it, but it finally came.

Katie was very happy to see me. She seems to remember me a bit...she calls me "Helen-Helen" which I think is utterly adorable! She's grown a lot in 2 years. She very much her own person now. She's a tough little kid.

Van was also happy to see me, although she doesn't sit on my lap and ask me to read her a story!

I took a 4 hour nap this afternoon and when I woke up I ate supper...Van is a good cook, and then chatted with Katie and Joe. I don't know what the plans are for tomorrow...If I can update I will.

Good day, just a bit too long and I'm very tired. Night-night.

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