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April 30, 2001 - Monday

I shopped today. Van and Katie and I went out for lunch first and then we went to Cotton Ginny Plus and Additionelle and I spent a lot of money. Fun!

I got a new suit, a blue one with short sleeves, and a jacket, plus nylons, a nightie, shirts and pants. I think I did well. I wanted to get some undies too, but I couldn't.

While I was shopping, Katie was very funny. She would give me an honest opinion about the things that I was trying on, and it was usually, "Try again!" What a hoot.

She did get a bit cranky from being tired and to be honest so did I, but what can you do?

We came back to Van's house and then left again soon after to go to Katie's swimming lesson. It was very important to Katie that I come and watch her, so I did. She was so funny. She didn't do a lot of the things that she was supposed to, but she did much better than I did when I was 3! At one point in the lesson she announced to the instructor that "My Auntie Helen is here." The poor guy! I'm sure he didn't care, but Van and I were laughing our heads off. She did it so loudly from across the pool that everyone heard her.

Came back to the house again and Katie and I read a book together. She looks at one of my photo albums and says "That's Helen-helen" everytime she sees me in a picture. It's cute.Then she played "Jump on Helen's stomach" which wasn't so much fun, but we laughed anyway.

That's about it for my day. I'm very tired so I'm going to go to bed again.
I made it through a day without a nap so I'm doing well!

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