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August 4, 2001 - Saturday

Yes, you guessed it, it was another busy day! Classes went okay, although none of them were really inspired.

I was really tired this morning. I got up around 5:30 am to go to the toilet. Usually when that happens I just do my thing and then go back to bed and fall asleep. This morning I couldn't go back to sleep. I tossed and turned for a few minutes and then decided just to get up. I checked my email and watched the BBC News, before I decided to go to bed again. I did manage to sleep for a couple of hours before my alarm came on so that was sort of good.

I was so tired when I dragged myself to work. Drag being the optimum word. Today was one of those days when it really was just work.

After work I did a bit of paperwork and made plans with Natsuko and Michiyo to meet tomorrow.

I was dreading going home alone so I decided to stop off for supper somewhere. I grabbed a magazine and was going to take it when Natsuko and I both decided to go out for supper to Mosburgers. It was nice. They were a bit busy so the food was fresh. The fries had just come out of the fryer, so they were hot and not reheated. Hurray!

After we went our separate ways and I went into the convenience store. I picked up some things and then went home. I'd missed about 20 minutes of Roswell. I also watched Dharma and Greg later.

Now, I'm actually watching preliminaries for the World Championships in Edmonton, my home town. It's cool. It's a beautiful day and it looks really warm. I half wish I was there. It's too bad that they don't show much besides Commonwealth Stadium.

Anyway, I hope to get to bed fairly soon. I'm quite tired and I've got to try and do laundry and go to Sapporo too.

Take care, talk to you tomorrow?

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