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August 5, 2001 - Sunday

I had quite a jam packed day today!

I went to bed last night at 3:00 am , which is early for me on a weekend. I had to, as I was getting up early ish for me the next day.

I got up and I was cheerful! It was amazing. I must have gotten enough sleep for a change. At 11:00 I was able to jump out of bed and start some laundry. I also took a shower.

Along the way I had two phone calls. One was from Gabrielle, and another was from...well, it's a secret! The second one came just as I was getting ready to leave.

I left and just made a train. I was there 2 minutes before it arrived in the station. I was surprised that I made it in fact. I got a seat near the front of the train and a seat on the ocean side too. Many people were on the rocky beaches today. The weather was wonderful, so I understand it, but the beach looked terribly difficult to walk on.

At Kotoni I had a nice surprise, one of my students got on the train so we chatted for the rest of the way. In Sapporo I arrived just in time to meet Michiyo and Natsuko. We had planned to go to Starbucks, but it was too busy. We went to electronics store to buy a new telephone for the school. While we were there I looked at iMacs and dreamed! I'd really like to buy one, but I'm afraid it's a bit out of my budget at the moment.

After that we went to Cafe Croissant and had a bite to eat. It was really nice, and fun too. I hadn't eaten yet so I needed it.

We went to The Loft and they helped me with some things. It was really nice of them to help me. It took me a while because I was trying to make up my mind, which as you know takes forever!

When we finished they decided to go back to Otaru and I decided to do some shopping. I went to the Loft's Muji store and then the stationary store, then Maruzen books and the Central Store. I didn't find exactly what I was looking for, but I did okay I think. I can make things look really good.

After a bite to eat in Starbucks, I came home. I did stop in Mycal to see if there was a movie that I wanted to see. There was, sort of, Jurassic Park 3, but I was worried that the most convenient showing would be full, so I gave it a miss for tonight.

I came home, read a bit of my new magazines and then watched a bit of TV on video. I'm now watching Dracula in German which is incredibly scary, even though I can't understand it!

I'll go to bed soon, I just hope that I can sleep!

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