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December 29, 2001 - Saturday

A different day, but very nice, in many ways.

We got up late and went downstairs for breakfast. Fumihiko's Mum refused to cook for us, so we made our own breakfasts. I think that annoyed her even more so she started to complain about something. I don't know what exactly.

So, we went out and did some shopping then we had a light supper. We went back to his house again, but his mum was still mad, so we left. We decided to spend the night in my apartment. We made a real night of it too.

We went to Benkei's for supper. It was really nice. We ate some of my old favourites, especially Jagabutta, baked potato in butter. Then we walked to a karaoke box. We sang for 2 hours. It was the first time that we've ever gone together, without anyone else. We had a great time. We sang a lot. I sang more than him, but he sang quite a bit too.

Then we walked home and watched Roxanne on video. Fumihiko had never seen it before, and he found it really funny. I have loved that film for a while, so I enjoyed seeing it again.

After that, bed!

A day that started badly, but ended up well.

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