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December 30, 2001 - Sunday

We slept in very, very late this morning. It was nice.

We got up and took showers and had coffee. Then we decided to get something to eat. Fumihiko wanted to take me to his favourite restaurant in Amarume. However, it was closing as we got there, so we drove around and found another one. We went in. It was okay, although not great. I did like the coffee there.

Fumihiko wanted to go to Sakata to buy a special kind of potato that he said he needed to make soba, so that's what we did. We went to a fruit and vegetable market that was packed with people, and we didn't find the potato. Sigh.

So we drove back to Tsuruoka and he found it in a store there. I stayed in the car because I was sleepy.

Then we drove home and his mother fed us almost immediately. Then, I went upstairs to do some cleaning and tidying up. It was only 3 degrees up there so I was really cold but I was getting a lot done. Fumihiko came up a bit later to ask me to come down and try some of his soba that he made. I didn't really want to, but I did.

Fumihiko's soba was good! It wasn't very long! The thing about soba at this time of year especially is that it should have long noodles. They mean good luck and long life or something like that.

The last thing that we did was watch a movie on TV. Eddie Murphy's "Coming to America" was on. It was fun, especially to see some famous people in the film, before they were famous. For example, Cuba Gooding Jr, before anyone "showed him the money" and Eric LaSalle from ER as a slimy haired boyfriend. The best one though was Samuel L. Jackson as a robber that Eddie Murphy bests!

And now, I'm just going to take a shower and go to bed soon. Night night!

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