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February 3, 2001 - Saturday

Today was blooming cold, but a generally nice day. When I walked to work this morning it was snowy and windy and -11. Tonight when I walked home it stopped snowing , but it was still cold.

It was nice because....I got a letter from my friend in Australia with some pictures and a birthday card too. It came to my apartment which was a nice thing. Then, after my first class I discovered that a big parcel had arrived from Canada for me from my friend Michelle. Ya hoo!

But, I digress. You probably want to know about my day in sequence right? Well, I got up in the morning and it was damn cold. Before I left for work this morning I turned the water off, just so I wouldn't get a nasty surprise when I got home.

The walk to work was terrible. I took my big umbrella, but it wasn't nice at all. The wind was blowing the snow everywhere, but especially into my face. I wasn't happy! I stopped off to buy my lunch and breakfast and then made it to work.

Classes went well and I think the students enjoyed them, at least I hope so! Before work the manager played me a message on the answering machine. One of my students invited me out for supper after work. That was cool.

I hardly saw the other teacher today, we were both so busy that we didn't have time for a chat at all. I even left her a note in our message book to make sure that she knew I wasn't avoiding her!

After work I opened my present from my friend. It was a pair of dungarees and a long sleeved shirt. I tried them on and they fitted perfectly. I decided to wear them when I went out.
So I walked out to the restaurant and I didn't half get a few stares as I went in, but I found the ladies. We had a good time. The food was good...Mediterranean/Greek-ish. I didn't get a lot, I was pretty late after all, but it was nice. I want to go there again.

After the party broke up I came home via the convenience store and watched the tail end of 90210 and Dharma and Greg. Actually I have to re-watch the latter one. A nice thing when I arrived home is that one of my students called me and invited me out tomorrow. I'm always complaining that no-one invites me out and in one day I was asked out twice. That's so nice!

I'll likely go to bed soon, but I'm still darn cold. I've had the heater on for about 2 hours now, but I don't feel any warmer. Sigh.

I'm going to bed now! Except the fire alarm just went off. Hope it's a false alarm!

It seems to have been a false alarm. It stopped and no one was outside when I went out.

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