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February 4, 2001 - Sunday

I had another good day! I got up around 10:30...yes I didn't sleep in all that late.

My student called me around 11 and we made plans to meet around 1:00 pm. I did some laundry and took a shower and got ready. Of course I missed the train I'd planned to catch, but I caught another soon after so it wasn't a big deal. Walking up the hill to the train station it was sunny and bright. It seemed a lot like Canada.

My student and I went to see Vertical Limit. I enjoyed it. I wasn't expecting to as a friend said she didn't like it, but the supporting actors, including Dr. Bashir (Alexander Siddiq from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) were good. It was also nice to see a Muslim in a positive light. Very often Muslims are now made to be the "baddies" in movies, but here he was a religious man, and a good guy.

After the movie we went for coffee and a sandwich. We chatted for a while and it was fun. I also bought more root beer and checked out the postcard store, but didn't buy anything.

My student had to leave and I did a bit more shopping. I treated myself to some new cds then I went to the grocery store. I was paying for my groceries and Justin called my name. Usually I don't run into him on the weekend, so it was a nice surprise. We only spoke briefly, then he had to go.

I finally came home and finished my laundry. I also did a lot of cleaning up. I have company coming on the weekend so I want my place to look good, if possible. I did a lot, but it's late and I'm really, really tired, so I want to leave this now.

Catch you tomorrow?

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