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February 5, 2001 - Monday

Happy Birthday to Me!

I didn't have a party today, but I had a good day nonetheless. It all started when I got up for my Japanese lesson. I was writing e-mail when the phone rang. It was a guy checking my address. I was able to understand him and correct it, after asking him to speak slowly. Wahoo! Then, a few minutes later, my doorbell rang. When I opened it there was a man holding red roses. Wow! I counted them and there was 15 long stemmed red roses. Oh my. They came from a secret admirer, not so secret to some people though.

My lesson was bad, but that was my fault, not my teacher's. I didn't have any time to study this week. After the lesson I went to a post office to buy some stamps. When I put my mail in the post box, I noticed a road just a little behind the post office. It looked like a main road so I thought I'd go and check it out. There were a few shops but they were far away. However there was a shop with "Boulanger" on it. "A ha," I thought, "a butcher's shop." Well, it wasn't a butcher's it was a bakery! It's been a while since I studied my French too! I went in and bought a few things that were really delicious.

Then I headed off for the Co-op grocery store. I tried to find a vase for my lovely roses, but couldn't. I dined at the McDonald outlet there and bought a few groceries for the coming weekend. Then, I walked home.

At home I watched the morning's episode of Rosie O'Neil and then started working. I decided to start in my bedroom as there was nothing on TV for a while and I could listen to my new cds while I worked. I picked up all the clothes off the floor and found a few things I'd totally forgotten that I had! I ran out of hangers before I ran out of clothes!

When I got the room looking halfway decent I even vacuumed! Then I vacuumed the living room too. I'm now mostly done cleaning my house. I still have the toilet room and the bathroom, but apart from those places, and the huge bags of garbage, my apartment looks quite nice.

Around 8:30 I decided to finish working. I was getting a bit hungry. I wanted to go out for a special dinner somewhere, but where? Unfortunately I turned on the TV and it was the old Cary Grant-Deborah Kerr movie An Affair to Remember. I love Cary Grant, so I watched for a while. While I was watching, my phone rang. It was my secret admirer checking on the flowers. We had a nice chat and he rang off.

I decided if I was going to leave and get some food it had better be soon, so I got dressed and left. I abandoned the idea of going somewhere really fancy as it was getting late and I wasn't wearing dressy clothes. I went to a coffee shop on Hanozono that I go to sometimes and had Wafu hamburger followed by a cake set...that was a crepe cake with ice cream and milk tea. I started reading my new Dick Francis in the restaurant...a nice treat for my birthday.

After my meal I walked a little, but as it was late I thought it might not be a good idea to go too far, so I turned around and came home. At home, I started to write this entry. And there you have it. My day!

I feel really good, as I got beautiful flowers, cleaned my apartment, talked to my secret admirer and ate a nice meal. A great day. Tomorrow I'm back to work. Sigh. Oh well.I had a great weekend.


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