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February 18, 2001 - Sunday

Today was another quiet day. I really didn't do anything.

I did as I planned. I slept until 3:30 or so. It was wonderful. I felt really rested. The first time I woke up was around 10:00 or so, and then I went back to sleep. I needed it, I really did.

After that I did laundry and watched a bit of TV. I put my video in around 5 and watched The Third Man. It was good, but I was a bit distracted during it.

Later, when I finally finished laundry I put on Wild Wild West. What a mess of a movie. It starred the usually likable Will Smith and one of my heroes, Kevin Kline, but the movie sucked. Kenneth Branagh was the villain, but his character wasn't likable at all. The movie was full of racist slurs and I felt uncomfortable with it. Kevin Kline was great as usual, but it wasn't a good film.

I drank some of my caramel tea that I got for my birthday. It was very nice, and I really enjoyed it.

Anyway, that's about it. I have to get to bed soon as I have a lesson to go to tomorrow. Nighty night!

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