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January 8, 2001 - Monday

Well, as I was getting ready to leave on December 28th I looked at my computer, looked at my full-to-overflowing suitcase, overstuffed backpack, and decided to leave my computer and related equipment behind. To be honest, I didn't miss it at all.

As I left you I think I was worried about the airport being crowded. Well, it was, but I was early so it wasn't a big deal. I checked my luggage early and did a little shopping. I also went for lunch to the same restaurant in which I ate my first food in Japan, all those years ago. It was an interesting experience for me. When I went there before I didn't speak any Japanese at all. I still don't speak a lot, but now I can read a menu, and do quite well in Japan. Being close to the New Year it was a good chance for me to take stock in how far I've come since I came to Japan, and how much further I want to go.

I went to Tsuruoka again. If you are one of the people that I didn't manage to see when I was there, I'm really sorry, but I had many things to do and many people to visit with, so I couldn't fit everyone in.

I had a great and relaxing visit. The weather was a little warmer than Hokkaido, although there was a lot of snow in Yamagata. One city got more than 2 metres. Can you imagine that? Yikes.

Some of the highlights of my trip were seeing my first co-worker Yoshiko one day, making snow angels at Asahi Village with Gabrielle, Hitomi and Fumihiko, watching the dominoes fall over just after midnight on the annual show, going to see The Sixth Day and ordering popcorn in Japanese and then eating it. There were many other high points and a few low ones too, but I'm not going to share them. They are too personal. I'm going to hug them to my heart and keep them there.

Coming back today was a bit scary. I stayed over near the Yamagata airport and I was glad that I had. There had been a lot of snow overnight and if I'd tried to come from Tsuruoka it might not have worked out. One funny thing was that my boots set off the metal detector at the airport, so the security guard made me sit down and take them off. Then she took my boots and ran them through the X-ray machine. I was laughing the whole time. I knew there was nothing to find in them. Having assured herself that the boots were mostly harmless, she returned them to me and I was on my way. The plane was a bit late because of the heavy snowfall, but it was okay.

It was strange to arrive back in Hokkaido. I took the train back to Otaru, got a good seat, and read a magazine on the train. The trip flew by. In Otaru I stopped in at my office to check for some, yay, and then took a taxi home. That was hairy. The driver was slipping and sliding all the way up the hill.

When I got home I found there was a notice from the post office telling me that I'd received something. I rushed out to the post office, but they'd already returned it. Sigh. I don't know what it was, but I e-mailed the sender and asked her to resend it.

At home again I ate the lovely convenience store food I'd bought, and then answered e-mail while I did laundry. I had a ton of e-mail to send.

I also received a lot of New Year Cards. It was nice! I got a couple from students in Otaru, as well as a few from Tsuruoka. Yay.

Anyway, that's it. I had a great and relaxing holiday. I really wish that I'd taken off more time, but then I'd never come back to work.

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