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January 20, 2001 - Saturday

Today was my usual busy Saturday. I had my usual seven classes...and they all went surprisingly well. Almost everybody showed up too. That was nice.

I got another letter from my sister this morning. I just don't know what to say to her. She's hurt me so much with the things she's been saying, that I just don't know how to respond. I suppose I might have hurt her a touch too.

After work tonight I stayed late to help the other teacher prepare all the paperwork. It's the 20th and all the paperwork needs to be done tonight. It was about 10:30 when we both left the school, after a lot of rushing about like madwomen.

I just had the urge tonight to rent really cheesy movies, so I did. I don't know if they are all really cheesy, but the first one I watched was. I'd actually seen it before on TV in Canada. I couldn't remember which one it was in the shop though, so I got it. It was fun. Nice to watch a silly movie with a happy ending.

I'm going to go to bed soon. I'm really tired. I feel a bit drained, emotionally and otherwise too. A nice thing that happened today was that I got an e-mail from a friend that hasn't written to me in a while. It was nice to hear from her. This month has been good for people getting in touch with me.


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