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January 21, 2001 - Sunday

Today was a slooow day. After all the things that happened last week, I just needed some downtime. I didn't go to bed until 4:00 last night, I was watching Bagdad Cafe again.

I slept in really late. I didn't get up until 2 pm, but it was nice to just laze in bed. I put a classical music cd on my stereo around 12 and just dozed off again for a couple of hours.

I did my laundry as usual, and watched a couple of movies. They put "Working Girl" on the TV so I watched the end of it, then I popped in Pret a Porter. In Canada we call it Ready to Wear. Unfortunately, a lot of the film was in French or Italian, so I couldn't understand it. The parts that I did understand didn't seem that great. It did have some amazing actors in it though...Tim Robbins, Richard E. Grant, Linda Hunt, Stephen Rea, Sophia Loren, but it wasn't too good.

After that movie I made some blue cheese pizza for myself and watched The Big Lebowski. I liked it, this time. The last time I tried to watch it I was in Canada but was terribly jet lagged so I didn't get the film at all. I still don't think it was as great as I had read about, but it was pretty funny in places.

Around 9:00 pm Pamella phoned and we had a nice chat for a while. It was really good to talk to her.

Anyway, that's it for my Sunday. I'm pretty tired so I think I'll just go to bed soon. Boring, but true! Night...

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