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January 23, 2001 - Tuesday

Today was okay. I got a letter from my sister this morning, and while it wasn't exactly apologetic it wasn't nasty either. It was more petulant than anything else. Still, it's an improvement over last week.

When I walked to work this morning it was nice outside. The temperature was only -4 or so, and it was a clear day.

At work I found a new temporary manager, and a letter from a relative in Britain. That was a nice surprise. I'll have to write her soon.

I prepared for my classes today and I also did an interview at work. It was fine, and the person decided to study with us for a short time.

After work I did my paperwork and walked home. It wasn't so nice as it has been snowing for a lot of the day, but so far the snow isn't very deep, so it's not so bad, yet.

At home I made a blue cheese pizza and watched Sherlock Holmes. it was a good one tonight that I hadn't seen before and I got the how and why of the death in the adventure. Yahoo!

That's about it. Nothing really interesting to report for today. Sorry!

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