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January 24, 2001 - Wednesday

Today was okay. I had a reasonably good day.

Today I went to work after eating some lovely toast. I've found this really nice has sesame seeds in it, and it's delicious. Yum. Sesame toast with Robertson's Apricot Jam. Almost heaven!

I got some pictures in the mail today from my New Year holiday and they were great! The pictures from making snow angels were really good...I'm laughing my head off in a couple of fact, I'm red in the face in them.

Work was fine and my classes went really well. My two children's classes went extremely well, and the child that is sometimes a handful was really good. (I was amazed!) My adult classes went well too.

After work I decided to go to Mosburgers for some take out. I ran into Justin and his girlfriend there, doing the same thing. I hope he doesn't think I'm following him, I wasn't! Sadly, or maybe, happily they made a mistake with my order and instead of French fries, I got a salad. However, the salad was yummy, and probably healthier for me so I wasn't too angry.

I came home and ate my food. Then, I had just finished checking my e-mail when the phone rang. It was Gabrielle. We talked for a long time...I did most of the talking this time. It was nice to talk to her again.

And that's about it. I have to send some e-mail but I'll likely go to bed soon after I do that. Good night.

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