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January 26, 2001 - Friday

Today was okay. I wasn't terribly busy at work, but I was busy enough that I felt I'd worked at the end of the day.

It was warm again. I consider -2 to be warm anyway. This morning before I left for work I ate the last of my bread and apricot jam. It was darn good.

I got to work and wore my new suit again. I felt quite comfortable in it, which is good. I think I'll wear it tomorrow too and then let it rest for a while.

I was in a good mood at work all day today, I'm not really sure why, I just felt good for the first time in a long time. As a result, everything at work seemed to go quite well. Funny how that is!

I went out for lunch today...sort of. I decided to go to a bakery that my co-worker told me about, but it was almost out of food and it was farther away than I thought it would be. In fact, it was so far away that I decided to go to McDonald's and pick up some lunch too. I had their salmon burger, which was pretty good.

I taught a new student today too. That went quite well.

Anyway, that's about it for today. Take care...see you tomorrow!

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