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January 27, 2001 - Saturday

Well, today was another busy, busy Saturday. Actually though, I enjoyed myself! I had a good time. Classes went well and one of my students decided to continue studying too, which is very gratifying for me and makes me very happy.

I was trying to get my students today to join the party but they were all busy. What party you ask? My fake birthday party. My birthday is next month, but all of us teachers are really booked up next month so we decided to have it this month instead.

The weather today was pretty good. It was only -4 when I walked home tonight. That's not bad at all. It was clear and not too windy.

Anyway, I know that this is short, but I'm hungry and there is a block of brie with my name on I'm going to go and eat now.

I'll be late tomorrow because of the party...don't wait up.


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