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January 30, 2001 - Tuesday

This morning I got a response to my trouble report on Angelfire. That was pretty good. I was impressed by how reasonable it was. Apparently one of their storage disks was full and it ran out of room. They advised me to always keep a copy of everything I upload. I do,but unfortunately I didn't upload my index page, I created it on line. Oh well....

Work today was fine. There was someone in the office from our main office so things were a little more strained than usual. I also did an interview today, which went well, but the person needs more time to think.

It was also Cosmo day, so I went out for lunch. I had mushroom pilaf with soup and salad. It was very nice. Oh hey, while I'm on the subject of food, for breakfast today I had a bagel with some of the leftover chicken from Sunday night. Yummy. Tonight I finished up the last of the curry, tandori chicken and nan. I feasted!

After work I wanted to go out to eat. For the last few days I've been craving pancakes. I'm not exactly sure why. But the restaurant that I go to sometimes doesn't seem to have them. When I thought about popping in to the restaurant anyway, I remembered my food at home.

It snowed a bit during the day...we must have got 5 cm at least.

I got a present from Justin tonight. It was a beautiful tea cup. It's an ocean greeny-bluey. I love it.

Well, I'm going to call this an entry. I have a lot of on-line things to do tonight, then I need to sleep!

Good night.

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