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January 29, 2001 - Monday

This is a strange entry. I likely can't upload it to my account so I don't know if anyone will ever read it.

I got to bed very late last night. I was trying hard to update my homepage yesterday but for some reason it just wouldn't take. Unfortunately I seem to have lost my homepage. Anything that I tried to edit mysteriously vanished.

Anyway, on with today.

I got up, tried again to fix my homepage but couldn't and then left and went to my Japanese lesson. it was really good again and I learned a lot. I need to start studying more!

After the lesson I decided that I wanted to go to the mall and see a movie and buy some garbage bags. I ended up going to see the new Mel Gibson movie "What Women Want". I quite enjoyed it. However the idea of Mel being a total jerk that women don't want around is not exactly believable.

I also had some coffee and bought a couple of bagels for tomorrow's breakfast. I did some shopping and then headed home.

At home I decided to eat some of the left over curry from last night. I heated it up and it was great. I really enjoyed it. Then, I washed my dishes. Yes, you read correctly. I washed my dishes.

After all that strenuous working, I decided to take a bath. I used one of the bath salt packs that Susan and Steve gave me for Christmas. It was nice. I read a bit of a new book too.

I came out of the bath and started to write this entry. I really don't know if and when I can post it, but my day doesn't seem complete unless I do some writing.

Anyway, now I have to write a few letters, so I'll end this for now. Good night!

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