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July 10, 2001 - Tuesday

Strange day, really! I got up early after a bad night. I was in the shower just a few minutes after nine and then I was watching the news, live...not taped for a change. I left the apartment almost on 10:15.

I walked to work and met up with Michiyo at the office. Together we walked to the clinic. The health check was okay this year. It wasn't that bad. I didn't exactly feel like I was a victim of an Alien Autopsy. One funny part happened when the doctor asked me if I had any disease and I said, "No, just stress." He pointed at my stomach and said "Stress." I guess you had to be there. When we were done, we walked back to work.

Work was fine today. Everyone that I expected showed up, but they were a bit late! Classes were fine but in a couple of classes we were doing really difficult things. Sigh.

After work David invited me to go to Columbia with him. I gladly accepted. I was pretty hungry and had wafu hamburg steak. It was great.

We came home and I watched the rest of a Meryl Streep interview and wrote this entry. It was a not bad day, despite getting yet another nasty e-mail from my sister.

It was very, very muggy and hot today. I hope it cools down soon. I hate Japanese summers. And on that note, I'm going to bed.

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