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July 9, 2001 - Monday

I had a strange but good day.

I had a bit of an upset stomach today...don't really know why. I got up and went to my lesson. It was difficult because someone didn't study at all this week. After my lesson I went to the post office and mailed off 3 different things. I also paid my water bill which was good of me!

I came home and cleaned. I really did! I worked on the toilet room and the living room. Both look fairly decent. Next I have to try the bedroom! Could be difficult!

I went out for supper tonight. I went to Steak Victoria again. It was pretty good, except I ordered the special and it arrived even before I got my drink! I had to eat first and then get my salad! Funny huh?

I popped in a tape that my friend Janet sent me months ago to watch. It was pretty good. There's a show on it called Ed that is quite amusing and a new show that I've read about called "Dark Angel".

Anyway, that's about it for tonight! Have a good one.

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