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July 12, 2001 - Thursday

Today was a pretty nice day, except for the mugginess and the heat.

I was moderately busy at work, I had 6 classes. They all went fairly well too. I certainly enjoyed them. In the other 2 hours I did a lot of prep work for tomorrow's classes.

David asked me if I wanted to go out for lunch today so we went to the tonkatsu restaurant in Nagasakiya. It was very nice and we had a good chat while we ate.

After work, before I left the school tonight I had a big chat with Michiyo about teaching stuff. It was pretty interesting.

I came home via the convenience store. I got some pasta and a salad. It was quite nice actually.

Not much to write about today. I haven't had a chance to answer my letter from yesterday. I hope that I can soon.

That's it for today. I had thought that Mary Reilly would be on tonight but actually I didn't. I taped the last Inspector Morse show, the one where he died. It was good if a bit sad.


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