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July 17, 2001 - Tuesday

Today was a pretty good day.

Almost all of my students showed up today, and classes went well.

I took a bit of an early lunch and went to the post office to mail off my passport application. It's safely on it's way. I hope!

It was one of my student's last day in his class so to celebrate/say goodbye we had a little party after work. We went to Cafe Julio's and had salad and pasta, with drinks and bread. Yum, yum. The chef, Julio, was really nice and made two non-tomato sauces, so I had lots to eat. It was fun and I was happy that my students asked me to go out with them. It has been a while since students asked me.

Anyway, that's about it. Last night I spent some more time working on my home page. I'm trying to move things into other directories, which means that I have to change all of my links. It's a pain, but when it's finished it will be easier for me to work it all.

Take care, have a happy!

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