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July 16, 2001 - Monday

I had a good day today. I went to bed really late last night after taking my garbage out. Wanna know how many bags I took out? Too bad! I'm not telling!

I got up with difficulty and went to my lesson. It was good, but unfortunately I hadn't studied and I was tired so didn't do as well as I should have.

I came back to my apartment afterwards and then vacuumed some more and watched Terms of Endearment. I saw that movie when it came out and I didn't like it. I thought Shirley Maclaine overplayed and, Jack Nicholson did too. Age didn't improve the movie. The only good thing was seeing Jeff Daniels in a serious role, which he hasn't done a lot of lately. After the movie and then Bewitched I headed out to Sapporo.

I went to Maruzen books for some magazines and then got back on the subway and went out to Sumikawa. I was meeting some women who are in a group I belong to. It was the first time that I've met them, although I did speak to one of them on the phone a couple of times.

We went to an Italian Restaurant, which was really nice. I had salad, bread, salmon cream pasta and tiramisu. I really enjoyed it. It was nice being out with other foreign women too.

Afterwards, I went back to Sapporo station and looked around for the Starbucks. I finally found it and it was still open, so I had a mocha frappachino. I know it was a bit daft at 9:40 at night, but I really wanted one. It was darn good too.

I came home, reading one of my magazines on the train. The train was quite crowded, but I did have a seat so I was okay.

When I came home I received a phone call from one of my old students in Tsuruoka. It was really nice to hear from him again. We chatted for a few minutes.

And that's my day. I'm off to bed in a few minutes. Have a good one! Night.

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