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July 24, 2001 - Tuesday

It was a long day, so I'll make this short!

I took my friend to the airport and even went up to the observation deck to watch the plane take off. It was very sad, and I shed a tear or two.

I went back to Sapporo and went shopping. I wanted to go to Tower Records, but they were closed today. Oh well. I went to Tokyu Hands and got some toothpaste and stuff.

I got a few magazines at Maruzen books and just putzed around. It was hot and humid, so it wasn't too pleasant today. I left Sapporo around 8.

I read on the train home and decided to take a taxi home. My feet hurt from all the walking. It was money well spent!

Tonight I watched last week's ER. I'll watch last night's sometime soon I hope.

The rest of the evening I've spent watching TV and answering/sending e-mail. I'm now going to go to bed!

Night night.

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